Thursday, March 11, 2010

Grandpa King

Yesterday, March 10th, my father passed away. As most of you know, he was much more than a father to me. He was my best friend, my go to person, and truly the most amazing man I've ever known.

The past few months have been extremely difficult for him. He was really keeping it together for the family and holding on staying strong. After a simple procedure, my dad's heart finally gave in. It lasted much longer than any doctor could have dreamed of but yesterday, it was tired and worn out. He left us very peacefully with Rob and Estee holding his hand.

A reception will be held in LA on Saturday at 2pm.

Dad, you will always be with me. Your heart lives on in mine. Thank you for being more than I could ever ask for. Thank you for taking care of me all these years. Thank you for always listening, for standing by me through tough times, for trusting me with your decisions, and for making me who I am today.

I miss you terribly.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Can you guess what this face is for?

I know, I'm horrible.

Bradely Reunion

Another good time with bradley folks. I can't believe how much all the babies have grown. And it is getting so much more fun now that they can interact and play. Thanks Charu for the great Indian cuisine!! We look forward to seeing everyone next month. :)

Blocks Are Cool

Monday, March 1, 2010